March 2023


March 15, 2023


Post date

March 15, 2023
As we head into spring, we are excited to continue to introduce our community to our amazing Star Rock Ministries partners!

Meet one of our urban partners in Houston, TX, Will Cumby!

Will Cumby is the Director of Stronger Camp, Houston, TX which resources and serves the Greater 5th Ward of downtown Houston. Stronger Camps take place at Carolina Creek Camp in Huntsville, TX providing character building activities, faith development, life-skills, community, and fun for young men ages 14-18. Participants are surrounded by year-round youth development organizations comprised of teachers, coaches, volunteers, and youth directors. These mentors work tirelessly in shaping and supporting these young men, many of which carry significant father wounds. The mission of this camp is to provide a continual message of hope, grace, and the gift of Christ's unconditional love for these young men. Stronger is in partnership with several Houston community churches and urban youth mentor programs that highly value the gift of camp!